Apr 16, 2010

In Which I Have to Adapt All Over Again

This is finally a post, my thoughts about moving blog...
And I believe this picture pretty much sums up my thoughts and feelings.

This isn't fun, I lost heaps of my readers, which are my friends, but this isn't only about the wordpress-blogger thing, it's about the internet connection. Despite the fact that I can read them, I still can't comment on any blogger blogs which is kind of depressing because I need to leave comments! I need to let my friends know I read their post, and what I thought about it.

Some, like NikolettKrissyMel,ManjuNamineLisa and Andhari are reachable through twitter, but those are all.
It feels like I've accidentally punched the restart button and... yeah, all resets.
Maybe, God just want me to finish all thesis related stuff, so He cut off everything that will distract me? Well, who knows, He has His mighty way (which I like, usually).
I don't think I can stay away that far from internet, though. Not to mention I'm contacting my prof through email nightly. Hmm...
I think I need to do daily yoga to keep myself calm, something soothing like this...

Or maybe something far easier...

or to make it even easier, I'll just buy/make this poster and hang it just right in front of my bed so every time I wake up I'll see this.

pictures found via weheartit

PS: I love the pictures I picked for this post, lol.

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