Apr 12, 2010

I can't stop thinking

let's go out on an adventure!

I have so many things in mind I can't just stop thinking to a level where it's getting annoying. I can't help thinking about my thesis (of course), I'm thinking about my paperwork too... which isn't fun, and then I'm thinking about the future business I'd love to drown myself to.
Imagining myself spend my days drawing and coloring and cracking my brain for ideas, or maybe owning a little coffeehouse, or cakery (yes, I choose cakery over bakery) where I too display my artworks and (hopefully) published books. Doesn't that sound really good?

People can enjoy pancakes, ice cream, coffee or their favorite kind of tea while reading my illustrated book (whatever it is, I've planned to make something based on my love towards drawing and writing and reading). How does that sound to you? Would you like it?

A future filled with business and art and cute stuffs is my ideal kind of future, I've been thinking of moving to the room upstairs, which is far wider than my current room, I'll paint it white and decorate it as I want (and make my current room a garage for the future car I've planned to buy) so I can have more space to work, but as for now the only thing I need to finish is the damned thesis which I'm quite sure you guys are bored to hear about already.

What I plan to do in near future is to print my hard cover notebooks and give it away to my closest friends, this might mean another giveaway who knows? I've been testing out looking for the best quality of paper, printing ink and size and all... I hope when the time come you'll all love it ;)

Oh, another fun plan is to make myself a sketch book so I can force myself to draw something everyday, I know my friends had given one to me but I still can't bear to draw anything there yet... haha... I love the crisp blank paper.

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