Aug 27, 2009
Tiara Loves Indonesia
Aug 26, 2009
I had a nice day!
I won this scarf from Tina {Luphia loves…} months ago, and well… you know how many times I’ve complained about how lame Indonesian postal service is so… however, the scarf was finally arrived today!
It’s so lovely! black and white with hearts print. I’m sure I can use it to any kind of occasion, and since today I was having a dinner with my friends, I of course had to show it off! Haha! =d
And I was just amazed of how creative I can be when I’m using something I love, lol.
the pictures were taken before I took a bath, so excuse the oily faces and lame expressions, lol. But the idea of making it a halter neck dress is kinda brilliant, haha.
after bath, make ups and hairdo (and a little touch of photoshop, of course, lol). Do I look different? At least I had my blush on in this pic. =d (I think I look like a meanie here)
they were having fun by themselves while me and Nanette were cooking, so of course I had to interfere!
later on, I called Nanette to get out of the kitchen for a while, voila!
best picture of all, here come little miss sunshine!
left to right: Rian, Tiara, Nanette, Aline.
Today is just sooo perfect! Yes, I had the photo shoot (or maybe you can consider these pictures a photo shoot?) Will upload them soon –but the pictures are all in Nanette’s house! Grrh.
Whatever, I’m happy today, and just to show you how happy I am, here goes the picture as an authentic proof.
actually I and Aline was trying to make a flat face pose, failed, of course, lol. Aline was rolling on the floor laughing literally, well… you can see it in the mirror if you don’t believe me.
p.s it was Nanette’s room, the dinner was in her house, so the messy room is all hers! (right, mine is even messier, lol)
Aug 25, 2009
Listen, the Forgetful Tiara is Talking Here.
Oh great, I forgot that I have a mission, final summer wishes. I forgot to tell you what my lists are, so I’ll tell you here and please pray for me so I can finish them all by the end of the month, lol.
1. Going to a village and enjoying the fresh green scenery.
2. Having a girly photo shoot with my girls.
3. Arrange a blogger meet up.
4. Touring in the city.
extra points for:
1. visit a colorful place like a kindergarten.
2. Having a reunion with my high school friends. or at least one friend.
3. Buy a balloon.
and girls, I’m having a new blog! (yeah, me…) sort of more personal for I’ll write anything more romance related there, of course I’ll still write about it here too-it’ll be incomplete without me talking about uhm… what do you call it? (about my feelings? right). here it is!
if you’re in much need of high dose romance, be sure to pop by :)
Gotta start doing one thing for the list now! Ciao! I’m off to the… easiest one, girly photo shoot with my girls!
Aug 24, 2009
Featured Artist: Casey O’connell
I believe you all already know how romance freak I am, right? So when I saw these artworks of Casey, I instantly fell for them, there are some of her artworks I already used as the illustration in some of my posts, I love every details of it, the colors, the expression, the feeling I get, and especially the memories they bring, isn’t it wonderful how something so subtle can get you back in time?
Here are my top five:
There’s something awfully beautiful in this picture, being scooped up in that kind of wedding style is one of my biggest dream, it’s heart warming, intimate and sweet, and Casey makes me crave more of it, lol. Thanks much God I’m not that heavy. Although if it were me on that pic, I wouldn’t close my eyes (except if I’m sleeping-that’s kind of another super romantic thing), I’d stare to his eyes and try my best to suppress my laughter, oh, maybe we’d laugh together. –one thing for sure, my cheeks would be red, that’s definite.
I don’t understand why a girl in pink dress always reminds me of myself, maybe I just think too cutely of myself, lol. I don’t really understand the pose but I take this one as piggyback one. Piggyback is definitely my daily daydream, I ask anyone to piggyback me, in fact, it’s one important aspect I look from a guy. Yes, I choose a guy from the way he piggybacks me. So far, my brother is the best piggyback-er, I have yet to ask the best friend to do it. :|
I always wants to dance with my special someone, the best friend isn’t really a good dancer, though-I think. but then, whatever. Slow dance is romantic, I dance wildly, of course, but I do want to know how to do slow dancing and grasp the intimacy of being so close in rhythm ( I talk about slow dancing, okay?)
Gray-pink/red combo is my favorite of all, and look at the boy’s eyes, isn’t he looking at her sweetly? This painting was my desktop wallpaper for weeks. I don’t actually understand what or why, but I found this picture the sweetest.
good red good purple, call me if you need me
this painting is the winner! It’s been my desktop wallpaper for… I don’t know how long, this reminds me of me and the best friend. I’ve said that little girl in pink dress reminds me of myself, right? Brown isn’t really his color but… it’s stunning how the last time I met him he was wearing shades and had a little facial hair (he forgot to shave he said-and I didn’t mind, he looked hot), and the color oh the color! I remember I’ve said that red and purple is his favorite color, right?
Doing that pose, holding out the glass, is just so… me.
and girls, guess what? Yes, I succeeded asking Casey of what inspired her of this winning painting, here’s what she said (well, typed…)
“grgpcmiynm is what my mom would say to my sister and i every night when she tucked us in. i think about that whenever i feel really safe.”
isn’t that nice? After hearing (eh, reading) her statement I suddenly feel safe and warm when I see this picture, lol =d
p.s I’ve given the cupcakes to him! And yeah, now I know where he lived =d should make it a post later, I think.
p.p.s notice the new banner on the side? Yes, I created a blog dedicated to... well, love letters. I think I should start posting all my major romance-related story there so you won't get bored. If you're as hardcore romance fan as me, I think you'll love it (well, I hope)
Aug 21, 2009
He can read my mind! This is scary! D:
Remember when I told you that the best friend is having a fever and act like a little boy? He still does, according to what he told me he’s got a headache and is still feeling weak, and he wants a cupcake (because he doesn’t know what is it while I kept talking about how much I want it). –what kind of person doesn’t know cupcake these day? And he wanted to open a bakery!
So yesterday I planned to visit him, buy him a cupcake and maybe give him some books to read for he is lately love reading more than he ever did *shrugs, (actually I planned to read him some pages, I love doing that)
there was a problem, though, a HUGE problem-I don’t know where his house is! It makes me feel kind of sad, after all this time I never know his house, sure he knows mine since he fetches me home often.
So the plan cancelled, well, postponed. –I planned to ask my other friends about where his house is without being so suspicious, that’s the hardest part.
And today when we texted one another, he said “you should come here and give me a cupcake”
oh, greatness.
I should’ve, I really should’ve done it and he would love it and maybe we’d have a better day and maybe he would feel at least a little better.
Aug 20, 2009
When I’m older
painting by the wonderful Casey O’connell
when I'm older,
& my child asked me who my first love was
I don't want to have to pull out the old photo album,I want to be able to point across the room & say,
”he's sitting right over there”.
p.s isn’t that painting give you a warm feeling?
Aug 18, 2009
I’m giddy
1. Mika’s 2nd album “The boy who knew too much” is going to be out soon! Like very soon! :D *squeals (and it’s his birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKA!)
2. The lollipop finally came today! yay! thank you dear Rad! :D I promise I’ll make a post especially dedicated to this present :d soon, really.
3. I chatted with the best friend again today, he’s having a fever and acted like a little boy, how cute! x) –and we’re going to meet, soon, yay!
4. Dad brought home the salad I’ve been craving for just right after I made it my facebook status. :P
5. I forgot what am I giddy about, but I do, lol :P
Aug 13, 2009
Oh, great…
The new widget was causing troubles, such as taking longer to load or worse, freezes computers, and as one faithful reader of costumer satisfaction books (yes yes, I do read them), I think I need to take it of, and then, the worse part happened, how the hell is it to take it off?
and now I have to go during weekend, I'm quite sure I can't sleep well as I can't stop thinking about this bloggy problem, I might as well dream about it, hufft.
I need to font back to my favorite one! Century gothic it is. Ah, gotta take a bath now! x(
edit: I've fixed it, with the consequence: I lost every comment in the previous post, not only that, you can't even find a way to leave a comment there, greatness.
moral of the story: don’t be too greedy, really.
oh, wait, I shouldn't leave you with this kind of post (as I'll spend my weekend in the village, remember when I talked about the Uni program named KKN? Yes yes, it's started already :D I think I should give you a little story instead, wait a while I have one in my draft...
red and purple are his favorite colors, thus I made it so. Seems like I’m falling too hard for him, huh?
Once upon a time, there were two best friends did an adventure in the town to look for purple lace for their converse shoes, turned out it was so hard to find, of course this story must ended happily, after a long journey from one shoe shop to another, finally they found the laces, the darker ones for him and the pale purple for her.
and they live happily ever after :)
*I remember clapping stupidly when we finally found the laces, lol.
Nice idea
Somewhere between all our laughs, long talks, stupid little fights, & jokes,
I fell in love ♥
pictures and quote found via soompi
p.s I found a new widget for [reply]-ing to your every comments, let's see if this one works :) don't forget to leave your site link and email :D
Aug 10, 2009
Some more facts about me
I have this old organizer I found today, I kept it since I was in Junior High until high school, and there’s one section where I asked my friends to write what they think about me, let’s see… Since Abby tagged me in this game, and I feel like I’ve talked about myself too much lately (lol, blame the tag games! :P) so today’s about me features my friends’ version of what they think about me :D
1. She loves to pinch people
I do! lol. I don’t even know why, one’s hand/arms are just too tempting to be pinched, I do it to anyone close to me-I’ve been famous for this one bad habit, lol.
2. When she doesn’t have enough time to put on a make up it’s disastrous.
but don’t worry, I do it quite fast, 10 minutes is enough, depend on what the occasion is and where am I going to go and with who, right. lol. But yeah, when I do have no time at all to do it, it’s gonna be a disastrous day for I’d whine all day long.
3. She can’t walk straight.
I don’t understand sometimes how I can step on my own feet or walk zigzag-ly, that’s just one precious piece of art, I think, lol :P
4. She has bunch of crazy ideas, unfortunately only 10% or less come true.
My brain just can’t stop thinking, that’s why. :P and I’m just a little lazy girl, ah.
5. It’s hard to talk about serious matter with her.
Hey, this was long time ago, but right, I don’t like talking seriously. Guh, this is also a bad habit as I do joke around when I’m in the class with teachers and stuffs/ meeting with important people about important-serious matter.
6. She laughs for any kind of jokes, even when it’s not funny at all.
I just have to, right? I’m also easily contented, it’s not that hard to make me laugh, sometimes I just find it funny in jokes people find dry, hmm… my weird taste?
7. She talks without thinking.
And that should be why I often felt guilty, ah. But I’ve learned the lesson. I think a lot before talking now. :S
and I decided to join Bug’s challenge of final summer wishes. I have to make a list of what I want to do to end this summer (although it’s more likely an endless summer here in Indonesia) 4 things to do, so I can do one each week.
Terms and Conditions: Create a list consisting of four activities (a week to complete each one) that are summer-related. They must be completed by the last day of August. Each activity must be documented on the blog with pictures, writing, etc. If you go above and beyond and complete your bonus activities, well then you had one fabulous summer!
Any ideas of what you guys want me to do? Haha… come on, give me any idea! I have go to the beach, act like a tourist in my own city, have a colorful day with lollipop and balloons… what else do you guys think I can do?
p.s Guh! I really want to go to All American Reject concert in Jakarta as my friend Nanette offers me a freepass. Should I go or not? Hmm… :S
p.p.s lol. I ask too much in this post.
Aug 9, 2009
Picture Tag game
Oh! I’ve been tagged! Haha, this fun game is just all over the place isn’t it? This one is from the gorgeous Stephanie. It’s a fun game involving pictures, let’s see… here are the rules:
*copy paste… copy paste…
1. Open your 1st photo folder
2. Scroll down to the 10th photo
3. Post that photo and story on your blog.
4. Tag 5 or more people.
And here’s what I have… *click click the unorganized photo folder…
*starts mumbling… of all the names why the hell did I name this folder ‘a’? lol. Yes, I’m uncreative like that. And why must this pic be the 10th? May I cheat? I promise I have a better picture, really!
Okay, I won’t cheat.
The picture:
I went to China (okay, lie, Chinese town at Jakarta) on holiday and it’s been our habit to buy souvenir for one another every time we go somewhere(I force him sometimes, though)-my room is almost full with the souvenirs from him, really for he travels a lot more than I do, and mostly the souvenirs are just so… silly- and that red-blue hat is definitely silly plus Chinese-looking, right? So I bought him one.
The cute yellow car-shaped thing on his hand is MINE! that’s my watch (yeah, right, watch) and just right after he said how childish I was to own it he stole it and used it and posed for it (oh well…) I think he posed as a samurai or ninja *shrugs and I yeah, I just had to posed like that. lol.
I’m not cheating but just really want to show the next photo of this album off, gah, the rule should’ve said the 11th pic instead of the 10th
here’s the 11th pic in my ‘a’ album.
YESS! This one picture is wayyy better! :D I won! I won! And I got my watch back! Yay!
If I remember correctly, I was surprised when I saw this pic because I didn’t know he posed like that, lol. he let me won the battle.
And Abby gave me a creative blogger award (just right after I confessed of how uncreative I am?) I’ll post about it in the next post :)
so I tag these wonderful people to join this picture tag game along:
and everyone who wants to join the fun :D *girls, tell me when you do it, alright? I so want to see the stories behind every pics :)
Aug 8, 2009
Kym’s epic giveaway!
You guys should know how much I envy my every blogger friend who hosts giveaways, I’ve always wanted to do one but =S let’s just say I can’t trust Indonesian postal service too much right now, maybe later.
Kym the master of Engrish is one of my favorite blogger friend and recently she does host a giveaway too! (is she trying to make me all jealous since I’m not mastering engrish yet? *bawls) The prizes are so tempting for she is sponsored by so many talented blogger friends slash artists (including Kym herself, lol)! I can’t help myself from joining :d Some of the sponsors have my wish list items seriously.
For more information on how to win the prizes, go to her blog here and make sure you join the fun!
To tempt you more, here are the sponsors:
tempting much? Oh they are! :d
PS: Milo didn't leave a comment in the previous post, maybe he's too shy, it's okay.*le sigh lol :P
Aug 6, 2009
it’s seriously unhealthy
This could be a very helpful post for those who is after me since I’m gonna talk about some aspects that make guys look sexier than he is:
1. A guy with camera is HOT
I don’t know why, is it my love for art/photography, or for the SLR camera looks expensive; guys with camera always drawn my attention.
Hottest moment: When he puts that certain focused look on his face and care not about the other but his object, that’s smoking!
2. When you can pull off a hat, you’re sexy
Boys I know usually use hat when they had their so called bad hair day, haha (it’s funny since I never thought they would care to have one). Little did they know, when they can really pull it off, I secretly adore them.
Hottest moment: When his hair is a bit too long to his own liking and you put a hat/cap to cover them.
3. Naughty smirk
Bad boys always have their own way to win my heart, one very good thing about them is how bad boy-ish their smile look, so bad that I categorized it as a smirk. Yes, that kind of smile with something hidden inside-usually a bad idea, well, I love it anyways.
Hottest moment: well, when he smirks.
4. A guy who can play along with little children is ‘aww…’
I can’t find any pictures but yeah, it always makes me go ‘aww’ whenever I see a guy playing with little kids, that’s gonna make him a good papa ;)
Hottest moment: When he smiles and the children also smile, that’s perfection.
Anyone notice that all pictures here are Milo Ventimiglia’s? Yes, this leads to my final result:
5. If you’re Milo Ventimiglia
Call me please! Or leave a comment below, or you can also contact me through email. Anything. lol.
Hottest moment: When you have mixed blood of italian, irish, cherokee and some other nationality and named Milo Ventimiglia, you’re effing hot.
so hot that only Jensen Ackles can beat you-sometimes.
Aug 5, 2009
Where’s Mr. Mailman?
of all the childish thing I want to do with you…
or even only to walk hand in hand
this is all that I can get,
and yet…
It makes me really happy already.
and so, I think I need to send this letter…
I think I do, I think I really do.
credits picture: via Le Love, deviantart, fffound, soompi

Aug 1, 2009
honest scrap award
say “yay” for another award!
YAY! *lol
so the cute and uber talented (she can both bake delicious cookies and tae kwon do!, how cool) Aimee from here gave me this award, honest scrap award.
and here’s the rules (well, I simply copy-pasted it from her blog)
- I must reveal 10 facts about myself in my blog that no one knows.
- I then tag 10 more bloggers.
- I also must notify these bloggers with a little comment and hope that they link back to my blog when they post!
and so, here is my list (I do listing kind of too often, I think, lol)
1. I am spoiled
My parents are surely spoil me, with the maids and all, I am pretty much like that spoiled little girl you can find in the TV with less pink stuffs (damn, my room was even pink too!). But don’t worry, I’ve grown up :) and I know when to act annoying and when to not.
2. My friends in high school were mostly guys
including the best friend, I, who is naturally flirty, enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by guys. Oh, I see you flinched but that’s the fact, I’m being honest here.
3. I fired the last maid in my home
because she stole my clothes and money (and my mom’s watch and God knows what else), who she thinks she’s playing with? I may not angry every now and then but once I’m angry, get the hell out of my sight, please.
4. I love doing graphic art
But I still can’t find my very own style :S I change from one to another, like these are the examples:
right? They aren’t even similar one another.
5. My online bookstore is 90% done
I can’t wait for the opening! Well, although I’ll only sell it nationally at first, but I’ll surely show it off here later, lol. So wait for the good news!
6. I can cook, wash dishes and do the laundry
But I hate ironing, the heat and all… I don’t like it one bits, this leads to my 7th honesty…
7. I love using messy clothes
I mean, the clothes with messy fabric which no matter how hard you try to iron it, it’ll always be messy, lol. Then I won’t have to ever iron it, right? :P
8. I am a materialistic girl
By materialistic I mean I love anything good looking, pretty and all. Even the best friend kept telling me that I shouldn’t care about money this much, he advised me to have more ‘feelings’
9. The one I have feelings for thinks I have no feeling at all
Yes, the best friend, I think I’ve explained about this in the #8 honesty. :) sometimes he can be just that plain stupid, doesn’t this make him the one with no feeling?
10. I want to be a couple like my mom and dad do
I often ponder about how matching my mom and dad is, my mom is as childish and spoiled as me (if not more) and my dad, being the dad of the house is like having three kids instead of two (yes, add my mom in). And sometimes, I just think they’re like the cutest couple ever! :P
and I tag all of you who haven't done it, really, I think everyone does already, lol.
credits goes to